Community Breastfeeding Services - Directory
Below is a service directory across the wider Wellington and Wairarapa region.
We try to keep this list as up to date as we can. Please contact the service directly for further information.
National phone numbers for 24/7 support
Healthline: 0800 611 116
Plunket: 0800 933 922
Breastfeeding classes
- Taha Wairua – Pēpe Ora (Tuesday evenings)
Tu Ora Compass Health - Free Antenatal and Breastfeeding classes - for Hutt Valley, Wellington, Porirua and Kapiti.
Classes include in-person in Newtown and Porirua, online classes, and one-day sessions in Kapiti. We also have free online newborn feeding classes monthly, as well as weekly baby feeding drop in sessions in Johnsonville at the Collective Community Hub, 33 Johnsonville Road on Thursdays, 10am - 11.30am.
- Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond (at cost) for antenatal or Better Breastfeeding for postnatal
- Breastfeeding Support Drop-in Centre - free support from the Lactation Team. Call 027 309 7782 for more information
Drop-in every Thursday between 10am - 1.30pm | Ewart Building, 2 Coromandel Street, Newtown, Wellington
(Attention: Next session starts on 9 January 2025).
Lactation consultants
*Please note there is a cost associated with some of these services
Hutt Valley
Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti
Tamariki Ora Nurses
- Masterton - Whaiora, 5 Park St - (06) 370 0818 or 0800 494 246
- Hutt Valley - Pacific Health Service - (04) 577 039
- Wellington - Ora Toa Pōneke (04) 245 0026
- Porirua - Ora Toa Health Unit (04) 237 0131
Plunket Nurses
Wellington Region Community Plunket Lactation Consultant service
- Plunketline with Lactation Consultant Zoom video calling 0800 933 922
La Leche League
- La Leche League Leader - Isa Pike: (06) 379 8748
Hutt Valley
- Lottie: 022 152 9172
- Catherine: 021 266 0596
- Rebecca: 021 137 8642
Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti
Contact La Leche League Breastfeeding support leaders:
Community support centres and clinics
- Little Latch On (Free drop in) - Tuesday 10am. Wairarapa Maternity whānau room
Hutt Valley
- Free Drop in Postnatal Clinic – Babies in Arms Post-Natal Support Clinic - Mondays 10am - 12pm The Petone Depot, 8/193 Doreen Doolan Mall, Petone
- Lactation Consultants Breastfeeding Support Clinic (by appointment, up to 6 weeks) - (04) 587 2556
- Wharekai pepe: Free service. Koraunui Marae, 146 Stokes Valley Road - Thursdays 9am -12pm
- Tamariki Ora Breastfeeding Support Service, Tamariki Ora rooms - (04) 587 1646
- Milk and Coffee meet up (free monthly catch up for those pregnant, breastfeeding and support people) First Monday of every month from 9.30 - 11.30am at Petone Salvation Army Hall
To find out more, or to contact us for meet up dates, visit our Facebook page
Wellington Porirua and Kāpiti
- Māori & Pacific Breastfeeding Service FREE - (04) 978 2945. 7 days a week, 9.30-4.30pm
- Kāpiti Breastfeeding Support FREE - Paraparaumu Maternity Unit, Kapiti Health Centre (call (04) 903 0205 for an appointment) for babies up to 6 weeks old
- Newtown Breastfeeding Support Centre (koha) - School term only. Call 021 355 041 for appointment Monday 9am - 12pm
- Rachel's Baby Feeding Drop-In - Mondays 10am - 11.30am Collective Community Hub, 33 Johnsonville Road, Johnsonville
- The Community Breastfeeding Centre - drop-in clinics at Te Puna Wairua - Hapu Mama Hub (7 Mungavin Avenue, Porirua) on Tuesdays from 10am - 1.30pm
Helpful websites