Our health reports are a requirement for licensing your centre. We visit your centre and complete a health report before the Ministry of Education complete their licensing visit.

The visit will take approximately one hour. We require a person, preferably the licensee or head teacher to either walk through the centre with us to answer questions or be available on conclusion of the visit. To complete the health report we expect your centre to be set up as it would be on your opening day.

During our visit we identify any health and safety issues in accordance with Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 - reg 45 premises and facilities standard: general & reg 46 Health and safety practices standard: general.

Our approach is holistic and considers the health and well being of children, family, whanau and the wider community. We have an understanding of the early childhood centre environment which enables us to offer specific health, safety and well-being advice.

We ask that your health related policies are emailed to us prior to our visit; this allows us time to read them and provide feedback when we visit.

The regulatory issues and health advice discussed during our visit will be provided as a health report and sent to the Ministry of Education and yourself/licensee.

We will return within the year to do a follow up. At this time, we will look at how staff and children have adapted to the new building environment and if your policies and procedures are working for well for this service.

To arrange a time for you licensing visit please contact us:

Phone: 027 8078 544

Email:  healthyecc@huttvalleydhb.org.nz


Last updated 18 December 2019.