Many tamariki in the Wellington region get unwell with winter respiratory illnesses including influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other viruses. These are common in the community and illnesses can be easily spread in schools, early childhood centres and Kōhanga reo.
What schools, early childcare centres and Kōhanga reo can do to help prevent the spread of influenza-like illness:
Influenza (flu) is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person. It can spread through the air by coughing and sneezing as well as by hands, cups and other objects that have been in contact with an infected person's mouth or nose.
There are a few simple and effective ways to help prevent the spread of flu in the school and centre environments.
- Encourage staff and tamariki to get the flu shot - it's free for tamariki 3-12 years, and for various other groups
- Make sure everyone covers their mouth and nose with tissues when coughing and sneezing
- Make sure students (and staff) with symptoms stay home until 24 hours after symptoms subside
- Encourage everyone to wash their hands regularly. Put up hand-washing posters on noticeboards and in bathrooms
- Clean surfaces that are touched often (door handles, bench tops, toilets, bathroom areas)
- Notify Public Health when you suspect an outbreak.
How to recognise an outbreak
An outbreak is:
Early childhood centres:
- Three or more cases (staff or tamariki) in one area (e.g. under-twos) exhibiting symptoms of illness in 48 hours or 15% of the centre or a room are unwell.
Schools and colleges:
- Three or more cases (staff or tamariki) exhibiting symptoms of illness in 48 hours in a class or 15% of the school is unwell.
Outbreaks are notifiable to Public Health. Phone us on 04 570 9002 as soon as possible if you suspect your facility has an outbreak.
