Capital & Coast
Hutt Valley
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Community Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD)
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Ear Van
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Fruit & Vege Co-ops
Healthy Active Learning
Housing | He Whare Taonga
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Research papers
Fruit & Vege Co-op
Impact evaluation of Wellington Fruit & Vege Co-op programmes using a mixed-methods and value-based approach
- 2020
Executive summary
Healthy food policy
Growing Healthy Communities Food Security Kit for Local Government
Toi Te Ora Public Health Service. This toolkit provides strategies on how to work and target local government action to improve community food security.
Food accessibility
Evaluation of the East Porirua Fruit and Vegetable Co-op Pilot
- 2015
Discussion Paper: Work and Income (NZ) Disability Allowance (for food) - opportunities to improve access
- 2014
Report prepared by Vicki Robinson.
Internal ‘thinking’ paper for Regional Public Health: Identifying ways to impact food insecurity in the Wellington region
- 2013
This paper aims to raise awareness of the current and potential work that could be considered by Regional Public Health, and the wider sector to improve our effectiveness in addressing food security issues. While the primary audience for this work is Regional Public Health we recognise that stakeholders in other organisations may also find this information of value to support their work.
Four Seasons: Review of a pilot community food centre
- 2012
Report prepared by Kena Duignan.
Food desert or food swamp? An in-depth expolration of neighbourhood food environments in Eastern Porirua and Whitby
- 2011
Thesis by Carly Woodham. Submitted for the degree of Masters of Public Health at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
2011 Food Costs for Families
- 2012
This paper updates the data from 2010 in which calculations identify the proportion of six low family income scenarios required to purchase a healthy eating plan. Two additional income scenarios have been added including a large family (two adults and four children) on the minimum wage and a single male on the unemployment benefit. The 2011 findings show a lack of improvement over the past year in a low income family’s ability to purchase food to meet the Ministry of Health nutritional recommendations.
Factors influencing healthy foods in small stores
- 2011
A research project by Vicki Robinson. Submitted for the degree of Masters of Health Sciences at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Factors influencing (barriers and promoters) the stocking, promotion and pricing of 'healthy' foods by small store owners in Eastern Porirua, Wellington.
Edible Wellington Snapshot
A snapshot of exsting activities and initiatives in Wellington City. Report prepared by Kena Duignan for Wellington City Council.
2010 Food Costs for Families
- 2010
This analysis provides evidence of the inequity and financial difficulties faced by families on low incomes to purchase healthy food adequate to meet daily nutritional needs.
Evaluation of Edible Gardens in Education Settings
- 2011
Report prepared by Moss, M., Holmes, R., King, J., Boyd, S., & Pipi, K., in association with Health Outcomes International for South Island District Health Boards.
A to Z of our work
Community Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD)
Drinking water
Ear Van
Early childhood centres
Emergency planning and response
Environmental health
Fruit & Vege Co-ops
Healthy Active Learning
Housing | He Whare Taonga
Illness and Disease
Long term condition prevention
› Fruit and Vege Co-ops
› Kai and Our Community
› Food and drink policy
› Research papers
› Community gardens
Physical activity
Psychoactive substances
Recreational water
Shared accommodation
Skin infections
Smoking and Vaping
Vision and hearing screening
Water-only schools
Workplace health and wellness
Last updated 11 February 2022.