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Simple tips for being sun smart: - Slip on a shirt of shade
- Slop on some sunscreen
- Slap on a hat that covers your face and neck
- Wrap on a pair of sunglasses
For more information: | /sunscreen-30.jpg) |
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Be safe – be SunSmart
New Zealand sunlight can have high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation can cause skin and eye damage. You can protect yourself and your children by being SunSmart. Learn how to keep safe while still living life in the sun.
Protect yourself when you're outside from September to April.
Protect yourself all year round when you are:
- in the mountains
- out on the water
- around reflective surfaces like snow and ice.
Protecting your skin when you’re young can make a big difference to your health later on in life. So it is very important for you to be SunSmart now!
Use the information and activities on the website to help you find out how.
Slip on a shirt
Slip on a shirt with long sleeves. Fabrics with a tighter weave and darker colours will give you better protection from the sun.
Slip into the shade
Slip into the shade of an umbrella or a leafy tree. Plan your outdoor activities for early or later in the day when the sun's UV levels are lower.
Slop on sunscreen
Slop on plenty of broad-spectrum, water resistant sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Apply 20 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours and especially after being in water or sweating.
Slap on a hat
Wear a hat with a wide brim or a cap with flaps. More people are sunburnt on the face and neck than any other part of the body.
Wrap on sunglasses
Choose close fitting, wrap around style sunglasses. Not all sunglasses protect against UV radiation, so always check the label for the sun protection rating.
For more information