Vision and hearing screening helps ensure that our children’s ability to learn is at its best. Our Vision & Hearing technicians (VHTs) provide the following for the greater Wellington region (including Wairarapa and the Kāpiti Coast):
- hearing and vision screening of four year old tamariki as part of the B4 School Check (B4SC) Programme
- hearing and vision screening of new entrants to school who have not previously had a B4SC and those who require a rescreen test
- Year 7 vision screening in schools
- advice to schools, early childhood centres and whanau regarding hearing and vision concerns
If a child is four years old, and has not had a B4 School Check:
Hutt Valley/ Capital Coast: contact Plunket B4 School Check Administration on (04) 460 4671 to organise an appointment
Wairarapa: contact your usual medical centre
Any other concerns please call your child’s school office to provide contact details for the Vision & Hearing Technician.